Water levels

Creating water levels

To create a new record of water levels, see Creating a record.

Representing water levels

Water levels tracks

(1) Representation of water levels occurs in a defined Tracks template (e.g. DOCUMENTATION)

(2) Find the Water levels group in the Tracks list

(3) Use add to add a track, delete to remove a track

(4) Save changes to the current model with the button Save

Entering water levels

Entering water levels

(1) Place the cursor at the right end of Water levels track header. Click pencil

The Water levels form allows the input of the different water levels made in the borehole. A water level is characterized by a depth, a date of statement and a type.

Creating water levels

Creating water levels

(1) Click Add water level : a new level is added with default depth and date, and is displayed in the preview

(2) Enter the exact depth in Water level (e.g. 2 m)

(3) Enter the Date of water level statement (e.g. 06/20/2018 11:01:08 AM)

(4) Choose the Water level type (e.g. Water inflow)

Water levels types

Editing water levels

Editing water levels

(1) Click the water level to modify

(2) Modify the characteristics of the water level

Deleting water levels

Deleting water levels

(1) Click the water level to delete

(2) Click Delete water level

Saving water levels

Water levels are automatically saved when you click outside of the form.