Creating a Ménard pressuremeter probe

A Ménard pressuremeter probe can only be created or chosen from Volume loss test form, see Creating a volume loss calibration test.

Creating a new probe

Creating a new probe in volume loss test form

(1) Select the volume loss test by clicking the right tab VOLUME LOSS.

(2) Click PROBE central panel. The list of existing probes is displayed.

New probe

Click Create new probe….

Selecting a standard probe

The list of Standard probes is displayed.

Selecting a standard probe

(1) Select the standard probe (ex. 44-RU-S-63).

(2) Click right probe panel to change the probe reference of the current volume loss test.

Standard probes list

Code Designation lc (mm) dc (mm) dci (mm) Cover
44-RU-S-56 Short probe rubber ST 56 210 56 44 rubber
44-RU-S-63 Short probe rubber ST 63 210 63 44 rubber
44-RU-L-56 Long probe rubber ST 56 370 56 44 rubber
44-RU-L-63 Long probe rubber ST 63 370 63 44 rubber
44-MS-S-56 Short probe metallic strips ST 56 210 56 44 metallic strips
44-MS-S-63 Short probe metallic strips ST 63 210 63 44 metallic strips
44-MS-L-56 Long probe metallic strips ST 56 370 56 44 metallic strips
44-MS-L-63 Long probe metallic strips ST 63 370 63 44 metallic strips
44-RM-S-56 Short probe reinforced mesh ST 56 210 56 44 reinforced mesh
44-RM-S-63 Short probe reinforced mesh ST 63 210 63 44 reinforced mesh
44-RM-L-56 Long probe reinforced mesh ST 56 370 56 44 reinforced mesh
44-RM-L-63 Long probe reinforced mesh ST 63 370 63 44 reinforced mesh
44-MM-S-56 Short probe metallic mesh ST 56 210 56 44 metallic mesh
44-MM-S-63 Short probe metallic mesh ST 63 210 63 44 metallic mesh
44-MM-L-56 Long probe metallic mesh ST 56 370 56 44 metallic mesh
44-MM-L-63 Long probe metallic mesh ST 63 370 63 44 metallic mesh
60-RU Bare probe rubber 210 60 - rubber
60-MS Bare probe metallic strips 210 60 - metallic strips
60-RM Bare probe reinforced mesh 210 60 - reinforced mesh
60-MM Bare probe metallic mesh 210 60 - metallic mesh

Creating a custom probe

Selecting custom probe

Then click (1) PROBE right tab.


Complete information of the probe.

2 main cases arise: a bare probe or a probe with slotted tube.

New bare probe

Enter information of the new bare probe

New probe with slotted tube

Enter information of the new slotted tube probe

Probe properties

Order Property Description Example Impact
(1) Probe name free text CETE-SNM600 -
(2) Central cell length lc measured after fitting the membrane 210 or 370 mm Conventional original volume Vc
(3) Slotted tube protection of the flexible cover checked or not Ménard modulus EM
(4) Outside diameter of the inner part of the probe with slotted tube dci diameter of the flexible cover 44 mm (±2) EM slotted tube equation
(5) Outside diameter of the central cell dc including slotted tube 59 mm (±5) Conventional original volume Vc
(6) Cover Protection of the membrane Rubber/Reinforced mesh/Metallic mesh/Metallic strips Ultimate pressure loss of the probe Pel
(7) Membrane type Supplier type and code
(8) Pressure loss of the central cell membrane Pm for a specific expansion 0.05 MPa Differential pressure
(9) Probe type E (juxtaposed cells), G (nested cells) E or G Differential pressure
(10) Volume equivalent to Pel fonction of lc, dci and slotted tube 550 cm3 or 700 cm3 Pressure loss test