Filtering records

Records can be filtered according to their properties.

Contents of these properties stem from the synchronized file.

Values of these properties can be modified through the Properties form, see Editing record properties.

Filterable properties

Property Description BOR, LIM files
Borehole Borehole name yes
Client Client name no
Company Company or contractor name no
Creation date Creation date of the record yes
Device Recording device ID yes
Drilling Bit Drilling Bit yes
Drilling Fluid Drilling Fluid yes
Drilling Method Drilling Method yes
Ending date End date of the record yes
Ending position Maximum depth of record yes
FileName FileName device yes
Machine Drilling machine yes
Observation Record observation no
Operator Operator name yes
Project Project identifier yes
Project description Project title no
Record Type Record Type yes
Site Location of site no
Starting position Minimum depth of record yes

Creating a filter

For example, to get all the records belonging to a Project:

Creating the filter Project

Click blank text box and all projects appear in the list below.

Enter the filter Project

You can enter some consecutive letters of the name, the list is restricted until the desired folder appears.

Result of the filter

You can add another filter by opening the ----Add Filter---- list until the desired selection.