Importing AGS Format Data

The AGS format

The AGS format

Procedure to import the data

Uploading records

Example of a Ménard pressuremeter survey file

Below is a geotechnical investigation of two boreholes for which drilling parameters were recorded and in which it has been performed a series of Ménard pressuremeter tests.

Demo Geo-log4/AGS4: Google Drive spreadsheet

Demo Geo-log 4/AGS4: AGS file

Example of importing a spreadsheet containing drilling parameters

Below is an example of a LibreOffice spreadsheet document that contains tabular data from a drilling parameters record, with a macro to generate a file in AGS 4 format.


Creating the spreadsheet

Creating AGS file

Importing AGS file in Geo-log 4

For the other text format files to import, copy the ods file created previously (e.g. drilling2.ods) and restart Creating AGS file