AGS Format


In 1991, the Association Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists set up a method for transferring data between industry organisations. This is known to many simply as AGS Data Format. The AGS Format provides a standard way to transfer ground investigation, laboratory testing and monitoring data between the contributing parties of a project which involves geotechnical or geoenvironmental elements.

The AGS Data Format allows for seamless sharing of data between different software used within the geotechnical/geoenvironmental industry.

Typically the data is generated by a ground investigation contractor, laboratory or on-site drilling crew or technicians and then passed to all project team members. The project team then uses the data for design without the time-consuming and expensive re-keying of data with the associated potential errors or incomplete data entry. Following completion of the project, the AGS Data Format is easily archived, for retrieval at a later date without requiring knowledge of the software used to generate it.

The AGS Data Format (.ags) is a text file format used to transfer data reliably, between organisations in the site investigation industry, independent of software, hardware or operating system.

The AGS Data Format Documentation

To download a freely available copy of the document Electronic Transfer of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Data.

The current version of Geo-log 4 supports the version "4th Edition Addendum 3" of 10/11/2011.

The AGS Data Format Specifications

Development of the AGS format is based on a dictionary of groups and headers defining the data sets, rules and the file format itself.

In order to provide maximum flexibility, the Data Dictionary approach was adopted. To structure the data in a consistent and logical manner, it was divided into Data Groups within which a series of Fields are defined.

The Data Groups were chosen to relate to specific elements of data which are obtained during an investigation, such as project information, exploratory hole details, strata details and in place testings.

For data of a more complex nature, it was necessary to define two or more linked Data Groups, such as Pressuremeter Test Results and Pressuremeter Test Data. Fields within each Data Group identify specific items such as test depth, date, etc.

Key Fields are necessary in order to uniquely define the data unambiguously.

The Common Data Fields contain the associated data. However, rules are given for the creation of other Fields and Groups, should the need arise to transfer particular data not otherwise covered by the AGS Format.

The AGS file itself is a text file with the data surrounded by quotes and separated by commas. All fields are text.

Rules and Group hierarchy

Geo-log 4 strictly respects the rules and groups described in the documentation AGS4 Format with optional additions as notes in the Notes column of the table below.

Geo-log 4 currently supports importing HDPS, DOBS, PMTG, PMTD groups.

Group Contents Notes Parent group
PROJ Project Information Required in all files (Rule 13) -
ABBR Abbreviation Definitions Required in all files (Rule 16) -
DICT User Defined Groups and Headings Required in all files which include user defined groups or headings (Rule 18) -
TRAN Data File Transmission Information - Data Status Required in all files (Rule 14) -
TYPE Definition of Data Types Required in all files (Rule 17) -
UNIT Definition of Units Required in all files (Rule 15) -
LOCA Location Details - PROJ
PMTG Pressuremeter Test Results – General see extensions below LOCA
PMTD Pressuremeter Test Data see extensions below PMTG
HDPH Depth Related Exploratory Hole Information Optionnal LOCA
DOBS Drilling-Advancement Observations and Parameters - LOCA

Geo-log 4 extensions of AGS Format

The AGS format allows to define additional data fields (DICT) and abbreviations (ABBR). This possibility has been used in our example to support the Ménard pressuremeter test according to ISO 22476-4 standard.

Extensions for PMTG

Name (DICT_HDNG) Status (DICT_STAT) Type (DICT_DTYP) Description (DICT_DESC) Unit (DICT_UNIT) Example (DICT_EXMP)
PMTG_TESD OTHER X MPT Type Dependency - VL_1
PMTG_ZC OTHER 2DP Elevation of the pressure measuring device m 1.00
PMTG_PST OTHER YN Has Slotted Tube - Y
PMTG_PLC OTHER 0DP Central Cellule Length mm 210
PMTG_PDCI OTHER 0DP Central cell diameter inside slotted tube mm 44
PMTG_CALD OTHER 0DP Calibration cylinder diameter mm 66
PMTG_TBLN OTHER 2DP Tubing Length m 50.00

Extensions for PMTD

Name (DICT_HDNG) Status (DICT_STAT) Type (DICT_DTYP) Description (DICT_DESC) Unit (DICT_UNIT) Example (DICT_EXMP)
PMTD_PG1 OTHER 2DP Pressure in gaz cell as read on CU at 1s bar 4.00
PMTD_PR1 OTHER 2DP Pressure in central cell as read on CU at 1s bar 14.00
PMTD_PR60 REQUIRED 2DP Pressure in central cell as read on CU at 60s bar 15.00
PMTD_V1 OTHER 2DP Volume injected in central cell as read on CU at 1s cm3 16.00
PMTD_V15 OTHER 2DP Volume injected in central cell as read on CU at 15s cm3 17.00
PMTD_V30 OTHER 2DP Volume injected in central cell as read on CU at 30s cm3 18.00
PMTD_V60 REQUIRED 2DP Volume injected in central cell as read on CU at 60s cm3 19.00
PMTD_DATM OTHER DT Starting date/time of the sequence yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss 2012-11-19T10:52:41

Extensions for HDPH

Name (DICT_HDNG) Status (DICT_STAT) Type (DICT_DTYP) Description (DICT_DESC) Unit (DICT_UNIT) Example (DICT_EXMP)
HDPH_BDIA OTHER 0DP Drilling bit diameter mm 64

Examples of AGS4 Data Format compatible with Geo-log 4

Example of a Ménard pressuremeter survey file

Example of importing a spreadsheet containing drilling parameters

The AGS 4 Data Format Validator

For years the industry has had two AGS checker applications that produce different results that have caused clients to specify that AGS files must pass multiple checkers before submitting data to them. The AGS worked with a team to address this issue. The result is a development library that has been reviewed, tested and ported over to an AGS GitLab open-source repository. The library provides validation against the AGS 4.0.3, 4.0.4 and 4.1 formats and can be used within open-source or commercial software, via the command line. The libraries and Desktop App can be downloaded and used free of charge. The term “validator” has been used rather than “checker”, to clarify that the code only validates against the AGS data format, it does not “check” the accuracy of the data contained in the file. Please note, the desktop application will not replace all the functionality of the current AGS checkers, in particular, it will not include the ability to edit or amend AGS files. This is considered to be out of scope and should be done using appropriate software and workflows.

The validator is available in 2 forms:

Please see the official AGS Validator page

AGS File Utilities Tool and API - Live app

Live app

To check the AGS files destined for Geo-Log 4, you can select the following options: AGS Validator on BGS web site