First connection

Before connecting to Geo-log 4, you have to define a personal password only known by you.

Follow the procedure below to set it up:

  1. Use a fully HTML5 compliant internet browser or belonging to this proposed list:
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Google Chrome
    • Opera

    Note: At this time, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge do not meet these requirements.

  2. Click the following link: Set a new password

  3. On Set a new password page:

    Password reset

  4. You will receive an email in your email client configured for the account defined above (ex. [email protected]).

    The email has the following subject: Password Reset Instructions, and is from: [email protected].

    Click the link : (1)……../edit

    Here is a sample email received in Gmail: Password reset instructions

  5. In the browser:
    • (1) Enter your Password
    • (2) Re-enter the password, in Password confirmation
    • (3) Click Update

    New password setting

  6. Account login:

    Enter the address of your account, ex.

    On Sign in page :

    • (1) Enter the e-mail address in E-mail
    • (2) Enter the password in Password
    • (3) Click Log in.

    Log in